Category: Three Weeks Ago

  • RIP Joan Rivers

    Pop Quiz: Name the diseased person who was rapper, gangster, thug, Suge Knight’s best friend. Was it Robin Williams, JFK Jr. or George Harrison. With the passing of Joan Rivers all I can say, at 81, she used all the runway; Rest in peace. TV News: On HBO Sunday, the premier of the final season…

  • “Harry Carry”

    A very different Pop Quiz question. Thee True or False questions about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s wedding. 1. True or False: The elaborate Three Layer wedding cake was home made. 2. True or False: Main dish served after the ceremonies was Steak and Eggs. 3. True or False: The wedding was dedicated to all…

  • Lots of Love Nuggets today!

    Pop Quiz: Name the star who is a Subway Sandwich nut, eats at Subways several times a week. Is it Justin Bieber, Bryan Cranston or Emma Watson? Love Nuggets: Turns out all the time Arnold was going out Maria, she was going out on him with Arnold’s political campaign manager Matt Dowd. … Word that…

  • “Send in the Crown”

    Pop Quiz: Name the famous couple who attend church every week. Is it Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson or Will and Jada Smith? Great New York Post Headline: May Noe, won the first ever, Miss Burma contest, a small Pacific nation and with it came a 100,000 dollar diamond studied…

  • Brad and Angelina getting married!?

    Pop Quiz: Name the huge star that has very quietly been getting nip/tucks for years and still looks the same without make-up as she did 10 years ago. Is it Julia Louis Dreyfus, Jennifer Aniston, Madonna or Scarlett Johansson? First things first, right here, on Monday April 14, I said that an impeccable source in…

  • Mila Kunis smokes cigars while pregnant?

    (Click to listen) Pop Quiz -Robin Williams was the last person to talk to this famous person before he died. Was it Phillip Seymour Hoffman, John Candy or John Belushi? More Robin, with the announcement of a Robin Williams biopic, my question is, who in the world could actually play Robin Williams. Robin was a…

  • Final Robin Williams nuggets

    (Click to listen) Pop Quiz: Robin Williams was nominated for 4 Oscars for 4 different movies, Dead Poet’s Society, Good Morning Vietnam Nam, Good Will Hunting and King Fisher. Which of these movies did he win the Oscar for? Final Robin Williams nuggets, there is already a biopic being pitched about Robin’s life and there…

  • Robert Downey jr. asking for advice

    (Click to listen) Pop Quiz: Blake Lively, P-Diddy, Jarred Leto all have something in common. Is it they don’t drive, they don’t fly private jets or they are all chefs. Final Robin Williams little known nuggets, over the past 2 weeks, Robin didn’t return any texts or phone calls from closest friends, that’s a huge…

  • Things you might not have known about Robin Williams

    Pop Quiz: The Emmy’s are right around the corner, name the show that’s received the most category nominations. Is it True Detectives, Mad Men, Fargo or Downton Abby? Hollywood is still reeling over the death of Robin Williams and here are a couple nuggets about Robin you may have not known. Robin’s best friend of…

  • Robin Williams RIP

    (click to play) First things first, the suicide of Robin Williams. It was no secret that Robin had a cocaine and alcohol problem, was just in rehab again. Also, stories that he was devastated by the cancellation of his TV show. Robin had 3 kids, and his best friends were Steve Martin, Andre Agassi and…