Category: Lastest Posts
Report for Tuesday, Mar 6th
Last week’s Pop Quiz theme was about Oscar winners, this week, it’s all about Oscar losers. Name the Oscar loser in 2008, who lost Best Actress to Kate Winslet. This loser is best friends with Gwyn Stafani and Tom Hanks, plus she has pet snakes. Meryl Streep, Melissa Leo, Anne Hathaway or Angelina Jolie? Love…
Can you Believe It’s Already March
Oscars are Sunday, the Pop Quiz theme this week is all about Oscar winners. Today, name the Oscar winner who built a mansion in Malibu in 1992, and it burned to the ground in the 1993 Malibu fires. Sean Penn who won for Milk in 2008, Hilary Swank who won for Million Dollar Baby in…
I’ll Be All Over The Oscars On Sunday
With The Oscars next Sunday, the Pop Quiz theme this week, Oscar winners. Today, name the Oscar winner who is Dyslexic, afraid of flying, wore braces and can’t stop cracking her knuckles. Is it Sandra Bullock who won for Blind Side in 2006, Halle Berry who won for Monster’s Ball in 2001, Gwyneth Paltrow who…
Report for Tuesday, Feb 27th
With the Oscars next Sunday, and I’ll be all over them for you, the Pop Quiz theme this week is all about Oscar winners. Today, name the Oscar winner who, when younger played to a 7 golf handicap, was an A tennis player, swam a mile everyday and always took ice cold showers. Is it…
Report for Friday, Feb 23rd
Pop Quiz theme all week, Oldies but goodies, celebrities who are 60. Today, name the very first contestant on the very 1st Price is Right Show. Was it Vanna White, Andrew Dice Clay, Matt Lauer or Vince Gill? Friday Movie Review: Opening today Annihilation, and this is probably the scariest film you will ever see.…
Only Three People I’ve Been In Total Awe Of
Pop Quiz theme all week will feature, oldies but goodies, all questions feature celebrities 60 or 61. Today name the star who has ailurophobia, which is the deathly fear of cats. Arsenio Hall, Mel Gibson, La Toya Jackson, or Gloria Estefan? First things first, the passing of Billy Graham. When I was 16, and working…
“The Ice Is Getting A Bit Nippy”
Pop Quiz theme all week will feature oldies but goodies. All questions feature celebrities at least 60. Today, name the star who lived at home with mom and dad till he was 30. Is it Daniel Day-Lewis, Harrison Ford, Steve Harvey or Ray Romano? The Olympics are half over and some of this class may…