Category: Lastest Posts

  • No Soup For Bob Bertrand

    This week’s Pop Quiz theme is where stars are born. Today, name the star who was born in, Athens, Greece. Tommy Chong, Tommy Hilfiger, Tommy Lee Jones or Tommy Lee? Odds and Ends: Justin Bieber just got his 150th tattoo. How many do you have? … No soup for Bob Bertrand. He bought the franchise…

  • Report for Monday, Apr 16th

    This week’s Pop Quiz theme is where stars are born. Today, name the star who was born in, Jerusalem. Natalie Portman, Adam Sandler, Wynona Rider or Jack Black? Oh, oh, a repeat jerk dropping the old, don’t you know who I am line. First time it happened was two years ago when he lit a…

  • Report for Friday, Apr 13th

    So much e-mail saying they liked last week’s Pop Quiz theme, who has more money in Hollywood, I’m doing it again this week. Who has the most money, Clint Eastwood, Matthew McConaughey, Ivanka Trump or Jack Nicholson? Movie Review Friday: I have been raving about Isle of Dogs for months, and finally it is out…

  • Report for Thursday, Apr 12th

    This week’s Pop Quiz theme, who has more money in Hollywood. Who has the most money, Tom Cruise, Bono, Mariah Carry or the band Coldplay? Baseball Season in full bloom, season ticket holders for L.A. Dodgers, Goldie Hawn, Snoop Dogg, Tom Hanks, Adam Sandler, Johnny Galecki and Pam Anderson. … Chicago Cub season ticket holders,…

  • Report for Wednesday, Apr 11th

    So much e-mail saying they liked last week’s Pop Quiz theme, who has more money in Hollywood, I’m doing it again this week. Who has the most money, Christopher Nolan, Harrison Ford, Venus Williams or Robert Downey Jr. Two Hot Scoops: A buddy covering the Bill Cosby trial swears Cosby, occasionally picks up a piece…

  • Five Stars Who’ve Been In Jail

    So much email saying they liked last week’s Pop Quiz theme, who has more money in Hollywood, I’m going to do it again this week. Who has the most money? Tiger Woods, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen or Victoria Beckhan? Love Nuggets: They are the oddest couple in Hollywood, yet totally in love. Seldom go out,…

  • Report for Monday, Apr 9th

    So many Emails saying they liked last week’s Pop Quiz theme, who has more money in Hollywood, I’m going to do it again this week. Who has the most money? Britney Spears, Denzel Washington, Will Smith or Sean Connery? Hot Love Nugget and Exclusive: Not only is Brad Pitt dating super hot MIT Professor and…

  • Four Movie Reviews

    This week’s Pop Quiz theme is who has more money in Hollywood. Today, who’s got the most money according to taxes and open moving papers, Jennifer Lawrence, John Travolta, Taylor Swift or Christina Aguilera? Friday Movie Reviews: Three of the four films opening today I have already reviewed. Yesterday it was Chappaquiddick and it got,…

  • Two Odd Celebrity Lists

    This week’s Pop Quiz theme is who has more money in Hollywood. Today, who’s got the most money according to taxes and open moving papers, Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson, Michael Jordan or Beyonce? An early, important Movie Review. Today I can review Chappaquiddick, the true story, supported by hard facts about the night Senator Ted…

  • Report for Wednesday, Apr 4th

    This week’s Pop Quiz theme is who has more money in Hollywood. Today, who’s got the most money according to taxes and moving papers, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg, Keanu Reeves or Robert De Niro? But pick two because two of these stars are tied for the most money. Odds and Ends: You know things are…