Author: Mike
Report for Friday, Mar 17th
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! And it’s movie review Friday but first, still playing at a theater near you Champions, Creed 3, Cocaine Bear, Jesus Revolution and Oscar winner Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, and I loved all these movies. The new release today is Shazam! Fury of the Gods, sorry, lame monsters, a sloppy story…
Report for Thursday, Mar 16th
Say what? Former besties Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan are talking again! Paris is telling pregnant Lindsay how to be a mother. But Paris used a surrogate and hired four nannies when she brought her baby home last month, so how much does Paris know? Talk about a dis. Queen Elizabeth left $890 million to…
Report for Wednesday, Mar 15th
Love Nugget: Back in the 80’s Tim Burton was married for four years to Lena Gieseke. Tim was partners with Lisa Marie, no not that Lisa Marie, for 10 years. Then Tim lived with Helena Bonham Carter for 13 years and now looks like he’s going to get married! This time to Monica Bellucci an…
Report for Tuesday, Mar 14th
We start with one of the biggest family feuds in Hollywood history, the Presley’s! When Elvis divorced Priscilla, he willed Graceland to his 9 year old daughter Lisa and when Lisa became of age she took over. When Lisa died, she willed Graceland to her daughter Riley, but Priscilla continued to over see the daily…
Report for Monday, Mar 13th
Love Nugget: A weeks ago I told you that Demi Moore was sharing time taking care of or Bruce Willis with his wife. On Friday, Demi moved in 100% to their house to help. Before the Carpet critique and scoreboard scoop, an Oscar Pop Quiz question. Two actors have refused the Best Actor Oscar, who…
Report for Friday, Mar 10th
Love Nugget: Prediction, Erica Herman and Tiger Woods’ break-up will never go to court, mark my words, it will just go away when Tiger agrees to just pay her off with an approximate $17 million, Tiger is worth $1.1 billion. Hey Erica, see ya! Movie Reviews: Opening today, 65, stars Adam Driver in this goofy,…
Report for Thursday, Mar 9th
Love Nugget: Or not. Tiger Wood’s girlfriend of six years, Erica Herman, has filed court papers asking the non-disclosure agreement be nullified pointing to a little known federal statue that states it can be if sexual assault or harassment is involved. Look, I don’t know what happened in their bedroom, and it is true Tiger…
Report for Wednesday, Mar 8th
TV Updates: Jada Pinkett Smith is lashing out at Chris Rock after his ripping her during his Netflix special saying, “Rock has been obsessed with me for decades.” Truth is, Jada believes everybody is obsessed with her for decades. Ego, party of one. … Lorne Michaels says he was shocked that last weeks Saturday Night…
Report for Tuesday, Mar 7th
TV News: I want to share with you all about my very favorite television show on monthly on HBO. Real Sports starring an old buddy, Bryant Gumbel. Even if you don’t like sports, this hour long show always has four fabulous segments. Segment this month includes a story about a woman who took over a…
Report for Monday, Mar 6th
I’m back and I loved Chris Rock’s special, but Will Smith is looking to hit him again. Law and Order: As you know Alex Murdaugh got life in prison. Comment, it takes a monster of monsters to shoot your son in the face with a shotgun, then your wife. To me, life in prison wasn’t…