Author: admin
O.T.R. 04-11-13
On a related story, the most expensive Major League Baseball team to take a family to a game, 4 bleacher duckets, Parking, Peanuts and a soda is the Boston Red Sox, $340. The cheapest team to take a family of 4 to see a game is Houston, $135. Dads/Sons, Good/bad: The Good, Magic Johnson and…
O.T.R. 04-10-13
Love Nuggets: The rumor getting very loud in England that Simon Cowell is gay, rumor. … Renee Zellweger and Doyle Bramhall, guitarist of Arc Angels are getting very serious. … Katie Holmes and jazz musician Peter Cincotti are also getting very serious. TV News: The contract you must sign to appear on America’s Got Talent…
O.T.R. 04-09-13
Always seems to come in 3’s. Roger Ebert, Margaret Thatcher and Annette Funicello. Annette Funicello was a wonderful, beautiful woman but had horrible health issues. … Sidebar, The funeral for Buckwild star, Shain Gandee was held over the weekend and mourners were asked to where camouflage, once a redneck always a redneck. Love Nugget: Chris…
O.T.R. 04-08-13
Scoop. Debbie Rowe never gave up her parental rights to Prince and Paris although Michael’s attorneys strong armed her and guaranteed she would lose any court battle. So, Debbie took a lot of money and a back seat as Mom. Remember the deal all along, was for her to help Jacko have kids. Debbie, Prince…
O.T.R. 04-05-13
Funniest line of the month. Now that Chris Brown and Rihanna have broken up, Rihanna was reportedly asked what advise would she give Chris’s next girl friend, and Rihanna said “keep your guard up”. If true, that is hilarious in a sad way! T.V. News: Make no mistake, David Letterman has always hated Jay Leno,…
O.T.R. 04-04-13
Sidebar: Jennifer Lawrence isn’t known for being a big tipper, or a bad tipper, but she is cheap. Won’t valet her car, shops at Walmart, rolls spare change to take to the bank, does her own nails, even trims her own bangs. She makes $3 million a picture. Love Nuggets: Daniel Craig’s wife Rachel Weitz…
O.T.R. 04-03-13
More Bad Bieber News: When he was at a club in Vienna last month, Justin had his goons bust up a couple people’s phones who had taken his picture. Now they want damages. TV News: The NCAA Basketball Tourney has the highest ratings in 20 years. … HBO is planning a biopic on David Kunst,…
O.T.R. 04-02-13
Speaking of Tom Hanks, he’s getting great reviews on his Broadway debut last night in The Lucky Guy. Hanks say’s bottom line, Television is for writers, movies for directors, However, Broadway is for actors, and he is an actor. TV News: When Terry Bradshaw was the quarterback in college at La Tech, his best friend…
O.T.R. 04-01-13
Bieber News: As I told you last week, now it has been confirmed L.A. County sheriff have recommended Bieber be charged with a felony for spitting in neighbors face! In the last 45 days Bieber, besides the spitting, he has also been accused of terrorist threatening, illegally drinking, drug use, speeding, reckless driving and public…
O.T.R. 03-29-13
Bulletin: Police have suggested the DA files charges against Justin Bieber for spitting in the face of a neighbor, which is a battery, and territory threatening. I really believe Bieber will be prosecuted! Decision will be made in a couple weeks. TV Ratings: Well, American Idol’s ratings Wednesday were the worse in the history of…