Author: admin
O.T.R. 04-25-13
Earlier this week, told you about Hollywood’s hottest woman made up of the best body parts of various stars. Now the N.Y. Post has put together the most beautiful face made up of various stars faces. They say that woman would have Anne Hathaway’s hair, Megan Fox’ eyebrows, Kim Kardashian’s eyes, J-Lo’s cheekbones Natalie Portman’…
O.T.R. 04-24-13
Movie Review: Every once and a while I have to do a disclaimer, remember, my reviews are just my opinion! So you be the final judge if you should see a film. With that said, opening Friday, Pain and Gain, i am not a fan! I usually like true stories, but not this one. It’s…
O.T.R. 04-23-13
Movie News: Jane Fonda hates Nancy Reagan but Jane will play Nancy in the movie, The Butler. When asked if she would show Nancy’s warm, caring, sweet lady, Fonda said, she would play Nancy as a cold, firm woman. What would you expect from Jane. … I guarantee, despite what you’ve heard, Seth MacFarlane will…
O.T.R. 04-22-13
Yes it is true, Reese Witherspoon and her agent husband James Toth were arrested Saturday morning in Atlanta, him for drunk driving and Reese for obstruction of a police officer in his duties. Reece also dropped the, “don’t you know who I am” bomb. They will both appear in court today. And just when you…
O.T.R. 04-19-13
Movie News: Three hottest movies, are one in production, one in post production and one in the can. In production is Rest In Peace Department, starring Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges is being called one of the funniest movies ever made! It’s about some Un-Dead cops with super natural powers out to fight crime, 100%…
O.T.R. 04-18-13
Hot Scoop: The report was, Richie Sambora and Jon Bon Jovi had a major blowout, and either Richie quit the band’s current tour, or Bon Jovi fired Richie. An impeccable source tells be, Richie has completely dropped out of site since leaving the band. Richie hasn’t been seen, won’t return calls, even to his family,…
O.T.R. 04-17-13
Love Nuggets: The latest person Justin Bieber has been texting and harassing with his unwanted crap is Jenifer Lawrence, who just laughs him off and suggests maybe Justin needs a babysitter. Yesterday we had the perfect female star, today the perfect male star, Will Smith lips, Leonardo DiCaprio’s eyes, George Clooney’s hair, Brad Pitts ears,…
O.T.R. 04-16-13
Some publicist have come up with the perfect Hollywood female star, she would be blond, have Angelina Jolie’s legs, Sofia Vergara’s boobs, Jennifer Lawrence’s midriff, Jennifer Aniston’s eyes, Rihanna’s lips, Salma Hayek’s nose Katy Perry’s feet, J-Lo’s butt and Betty White’s personality. Sounds good to me. TV News: NBC is casting for a new show…
O.T.R. 04-15-13
Biggest news this week could come out of the Jackson family suit against AEG, with the accusation. Michael Jackson you are the father of Blanket, but not the biological father of Paris and Prince. Celebrities at the Coachella, Drew Barrymore, Steven Tyler, Paul McCartney, Rihanna, Willie Nelson, Beoynce, Sean Penn, Katy Perry, the Hilton’s, and…
O.T.R. 04-12-13
Movie Review: Opening today, 42 the true story of Jackie Robinson’s breaking baseball’s color barrier. I love true historic movies, I love sports, and I use to work for the Dodgers, so needless to say, I could hardly wait for this film, and it was worth waiting for. Robinson went through hell, from fans, the…