Report for Thursday, Apr 2nd

There’s still a Toilet paper shortages so all week so toilet paper Pop Quiz. How many trees a year are cut down to supply the world w/toilet paper? Is it 4, 6, 8 or 10 million trees?

Coronavirus Stuff: While the media is saying the United States now leads the world in Coronavirus deaths, with 4,956, amazingly China says their death count is 3,585. However, investigating reporters in Hong Kong say the actual China death count is 48,553, let me say that again, 48,553. You don’t think China would lie do you? Nah. … New list of celebrities who are telling their fans, please stay home, Elton John, Cher, Emma Watson, Margot Robbie, Quentin Tarantino, Demi Lovato, Adele and Eminem. Speaking of Eminem, it’s no secret that he is one of the most rude, crude, opinionated jerks Hollywood has ever seen but hold on, Eminem’s 22 year old beautiful actress/model daughter Hailie Jade has talked some sense into her dad, and he’s a new caring person. … The biggest selling items since the pandemic, TP, sanitizer, water and marijuana.

Got some Hollywood scoop, more Exotic Joe news, Cold case Authorities in Tampa, where some believe Joe’s enemy Carol Baskins killed her husband and fed him to Tigers, have received between 25 + 50 new tips about the death of Carol’s Ex- Don Lewis. … I told you about the Netflix reality show The Circle, a show where contestants could only communicate via text, and had to vote people off the show based on those texts. The winner was 26 year old good looking New Yorker Joey Sasso. Joey is already doing TV commercials and has an agent. You’re going to hear a lot more about Joey Sasso. 

While Prince Harry and Meghan still insist their move from England had nothing to do with Hollywood or being celebrities, they are living in Malibu. Meghan is reading scripts with Trump denying them free security, so they’ve hired Angelina Jolie’s security team and have had dinner recently with Daniel Craig, Harry Styles and Kate Beckinsale. I can say no more.

Answer – $10 million.


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