Report for Tuesday, Mar 31st

There’s still a toilet paper shortages so all week, toilet paper Pop Quiz. Today, we all pay a 6 cent tax on every roll of T.P. What president signed that bill into law? Was it President Carter, Reagan, Clinton or Obama?

Coronavirus Stuff: Pregnant Katy Perry is thrilled Idol is suspended, stays home, stays safe and even her OB-GYN makes house calls and hubby Orlando Bloom is right there with her. … Celebrities with gloves and masks, Ewan McGregor, Ryan Seacrest and Katharine McPhee. And that was Tom Hanks with a mask and gloves driving through his regular Starbucks. … On the other hand, spotted out and about with no mask or gloves like there was no virus, Kate Hudson, Luke Wilson, Gwyneeth Paltrow and Jennifer Garner. … Shocking news, coronavirus cases at the L.A. County jail and they are out of soap and toilet paper. … Word that the PGA was ready to start the tour back up, TV networks were excited but then warned of law suits if somebody got sick, so the idea was scratched. Too bad. 

Love Nugget: I know she’s beautiful, however I’ve never been a big Heidi Klum fan, she’s very caddy. And she’s been proving it by bad mouthing her ex, Seal now that she’s re-married. My question, why? 

Hot Scoopage: The TV phenomena, Tiger King on Netflix has a couple twists. First, Cardi B has opened a GoFundMe page for Joe Exotic and wants him out of jail. Now here’s the scoopage, the FDLE, Florida Department Of Law Enforcement, has reopened the investigation of the disappearance of Don Lewis, Carol Baskins ex-husband who Joe Exotic and many others say was killed by Carol. This could get very interesting.

How odd, while a former female Biden staffer has come forward and accused the V.P. of sexual harassment, Joe didn’t deny it, only praised her courage to come forward. Huh? And sad to announce Ozzy Osbournes Parkinson disease has gotten worse last few weeks. 

Answer – It was Bill Clinton, however Barack Obama tried to double the tax in 2010 but Congress rejected it, wiped it clean you might say.


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