Report for Wednesday, Mar 11th

Pop Quiz: According to The Hollywood Reporter these are the 4 greatest movies of all time, but what’s #1? Is it The Godfather, Citizen Kane, The Wizard of Oz, or Shawshank Redemption?

Timely Stuff: Harvey Weinsleaze will be sentenced today, his attorney’s are asking the Sleaze be given 5 years, he could get 29 years but my prediction is the Sleaze gets 17 years. Meanwhile, Sleaze’s brother Bob, who himself has been accused of sexual harassment says he’ll be in court today and hopes his brother gets the maximum. Sleaze’s brother claims if all was known, Harvey would be going to prison for life. The brother just may get his wish. Remember, the charges he faces in California carry a maximum of 58 years. … Shocking Statistic, of the 4,162 who have died of the Coronavirus, 97.9% were over 50! And 90% of them had other medical issues from bad heart, high blood pressure due to diabetes.  

Love Nuggets: Mel B is furious, screaming that her ex-husband Stephen Belafonte was having an affair with their nanny. But Is It True, Mel wasn’t just wondering off the reservation herself, there’s also a lot of stories of Mel playing for the other team. Quick Fact: Stephen Belafonte is not related to the great Harry Belafonte. … The hottest Love Nugget, Ben Affleck isn’t just casually dating actress Ana De Armas, friends say Ben wants to marry her. Ben must  be hitting the booze and the bong again. … Love of a different type, Brad Pitt has canceled all his projects so he can spend time with his oldest daughter, Zahara, who has had 3 surgeries in the last 2 months. Word is, it’s a serious situation, however not life threatening.

Odds and Ends: Although Prince Andrew told authorities he would come to America and answer any and all questions regarding his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, yet he has refused to do either. Now the FBI plans to go to England, but Andrew already saying he will not meet with them. Translation, Prince Andrew is as dirty as they come.

Answer – #4 Shawshank Redemption, #3 Citizen Kane, #2 The Wizard of Oz, however the #1 movie, no surprise, The Godfather. 


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