Report for Thursday, Mar 5th

Pop Quiz: Yesterday we found out which state had the most millionaires per capita. Today, these are the 4 places that have the most homeless per capital, Hawaii, California, New York State or Washington DC. But who is #1?

With Corey Feldman’s documentary called Hollywood’s Pedophiles, about to come out, apparently there are some nervous people. According to Corey, he has been getting death threats and he says it’s because he names names and those names are shocking and scared.

Super Tuesday is over but some celebrities are doubling down on their choice to be President. Yesterday Ariana Grande, Dick Van Dyke, Susan Sarandon, Mark Ruffalo and John Cusack said they will hit the road and campaign full time for Bernie Sanders. … Meanwhile John Legend, Constance Wu, and Sally Field say the same for Elizabeth Warren. While Cher, Rosie O’Donnell, Debra Messing and Rob Reiner are all in for Joe Biden. 

Crazy Department: There is a show-runner pitching a Honey Boo Boo/ Mama Jane film! What nut would pay to see that? … Here’s a really weird one, in a California court room, 74 year old James DeAngelo, A.K.A. the Golden State killer, accused of killing at least a dozen people and raping over 50 women is proposing to prosecutors that he’ll plead guilty only if they take the death penalty off the table. Hello? You’re 74, there hasn’t been an execution in California in 14 years and an appeal would take at least 25 years. Don’t think he has to worry about an execution. And F.Y.I. a movie on this Golden State Killer is in the works.

Odds and Ends: Wheelchair bound Phil Collins has got part of his band Genesis together minus Peter Gabriel and will play 11 concert dates in England. Phil is very frail. … Seen walking down Rodeo Drive, at LAX, shopping at BH Trader Joe’s,  driving in Malibu on Pacific Coast Highway, all wearing masks for Coronavirus are Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Steve Harvey, Selena Gomez, Gwyneth Paltrow and Nicolas Cage.

Answer – #4 California, #3 Hawaii, #2 New York and #1 Washington D.C.


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