Report for Monday, Mar 2nd

Pop Quiz: These 4 celebrities brag they are the worst eaters in Hollywood and admit hating vegetables, but who is the worst eater? Is it Hillary Duff, Jennifer Lawrence, Pink or Emma Stone?

Over the weekend stuff. Look I’m just the messenger, but a close friend who works at the CDC swears the Coronavirus is being exaggerated by the media. Points out 1 American died in the nine days since the first case hit but 558 American’s have died from the flu in same 9 days. He said to check back with him in 3 months and see where we are. I told him, believe me I will. … Meanwhile, CBS has canceled Amazing Race and the latest Survivor shooting is on hold.

With Super Tuesday tomorrow, several celebrities spent the weekend on the phones calling people pimping their choices for votes. Scarlett Johansson for Elizabeth Warren,  Jane Fonda and Teri Hatcher for Amy Klobuchar, Dick Van Dyke for Bernie Sanders, Michael Douglas for Michael Bloomberg, and Tom Hanks for Joe Biden.

I’ve avoided mentioning Steven Seagal’s daughter, Mika for years despite her being in and out of trouble and a porn star of the most disgusting variety. However Mika being arrested for domestic violence with a weapon on Saturday is too much for me to ignore.

Sofia Vergara and Heidi Klum had dinner together at L.A.’s best seafood restaurant, the Provenance. Trilled and discussing being the new judges on AGT. I think it’s great casting. And if you like seafood and are ever in Los Angeles you’ve got to eat at Providence on Melrose, but bring your wallet.

Great N.Y. Post Headline: Lady Gaga’s father owns the Art Bird Restaurant and Bar in Grand Central Station. However N.Y. port authority who police Grand Central Station have given the homeless free reign, and his business is dying since guest have to climb over the homeless to get in the restaurant. So Gaga’s father has refused to pay rent. Post Headline screamed, “Gaga, Papa, Nada.” Love it. 

Answer – #4 Jennifer Lawrence, #3 Emma Stone, #2 Hilary Duff and the worst eater, Pink.


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