Report for Friday, Feb 28th

Pop Quiz: A national poll of female movie goers were asked, what female celebrity would you most like to have a beer with? These were the Top 4 vote getters, but who was #1? Is it Rachel McAdams,  Amy Adams, Kate Winslet or Kristen Bell?

Movie News Meets Real Life News: Disney bigwigs were against spending $205 million for the live action remake of Mulan, but production went forward. Its world wide release is March 27th and its star, Liu YiFei left her home town of Wuhan, China in January headed to Los Angeles to start a worldwide promotion tour. If Wuhan sounds familiar, that’s where coronavirus started, and now this Disney movie may be the first film held back for release so kids wont be exposed as a group. How bizarre.

Opening Today: The Invisible Man. I talked about this a few weeks ago and I loved it! A sour relationship ends when the man dies, or did he? Elisabeth Moss plays the girlfriend who is relieved he’s gone, but he’s back, invisible and out to terrorize and torture her. However police don’t believe there’s an invisible man (4 Stars). … Also opening today, Burden. A true story set in 1996 South Carolina about the KKK and a preacher with Forest Whitaker trying to heal wounds. It’s not great but worth seeing (2½ Stars).  

Quotes from Johnny Depp during his fights with his then wife Amber Heard were released Wednesday and they were so vile I can’t even tell you what he said. However, the fallout is mounting. Those comments combined with and his last 5 movies that bombed including, Waiting for the Barbarians, The Professor, Fantastic Beasts, London Fields and Legend of the Magic Hour. All this has made Johnny Depp undesirable and a box office gamble. Even the N.Y. Post is after him, their front page headline this week screamed, “Johnny Rotten.”

Answer – #4 Kristen Bell, #3 Amy Adams, #2 Rachel McAdams and #1 Kate Winslet. Personally, out of those four I’d pick Amy Adams, one of Hollywood’s hottest.


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