Report for Wednesday, Feb 26th

Pop Quiz: These are the 4 celebrities movie goers voted Hollywood’s creepiest. Willem DaFoe, Steve Buscemi, John Malkovich and Gary Busey, but who is #1?

Casting News: Will Smith is playing Venus and Serena Williams daddy, Richard in a biopic and this may be the best thing Will has done in years. … ABC TV has just green-lighted, Bachelor Nation, it’s just like the Bachelor and the Bachelorette, but contestants must be in their 60’s, 70’s or 80’s. I’m guessing it will be sponsored by Geritol, Preparation H and Depends.

Odds and Ends: David Bowie said, changes. with Justin Bieber’s album bombing, Justin says he plans to become an actor. … Pete Davidson admits having mental issues, that he cuts himself and admits being suicidal. That could possibly explain Ariana Grande’s breaking up with him. … You have probably heard the Boy Scouts of America have hundreds of former members who have filed a class action law suit, sighting sexual abuse. And now Hollywood will make a docu-drama about it starring Liam Neeson and it’s all coming out. … Judge Judy has gotten very political and violent saying, “If you’re not on  Bloomberg’s band wagon, drive off a cliff.” And Judy, who does your hair man?   

Latest on Weinsleaze: From court to Bellevue Hospital to today, Rikers Island, New Yorks huge jail where more assaults and murders of inmates take place than any other city, state or federal prison. And at Rikers, inmates convicted of sexual crimes are the most targeted to beat up or murdered. Translation, Sleaz is on solitary/suicide watch.

A listener named Tim from Honolulu texted to tell me a fascinating Youtube feature called, Hollywood Graveyards. A tour of various cemeteries showing the markers of some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, along with little known facts about them. Really interesting, check it out! 

And try to catch an unbelievable 5 part show on Netflix called, Confessions of a Killer.

Answer – #4 John Malkovich, #3 Willem DaFoe, #2 Gary Busey and #1 Steve Buscemi. F.Y.I., Busceme is my favorite actor.


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