Report for Tuesday, Feb 18th

Pop Quiz: Again this week, Publicists consensus on celebrities. Today, they make the call on who’s the most naturally beautiful star. The Top 4 vote getters are Mila Kunis, Margot Robbie, Scarlet Johannson and Natalie Portman, but who was voted #1? 

Sex, trials, jails and warrants, do I have your attention? The Weinsleaz verdict should come this week. Sleaze faces 5 charges and Vegas odds opened at 3-1 Sleaze will be found guilty of at least one count. If it’s the count charging him of being a predator, that carries a minimum of 10 years. Other charges could get him life in prison. … Meanwhile a D.A. in the Virgin Islands say they are seriously considering charging Prince Andrew with sexual assault of a minor, happened years ago at Jeff Epstein’s island. … And friends of Amanda Bynes say they are more worried for her now than ever before! Amanda announced she was engaged and she posted a picture of herself and her fiancé. No name of the guy but we know for sure, they met at a mental hospital they were in. 

Media Nuggets: Disney Plus now has an amazing 32 million subscribers.

Odds and Ends: Selena Gomez’s new line of Beauty Make-up called, Rare Beauty, is getting rave reviews. It includes unique lipstick colors and eye shadows and other unique face products. The line will be available at Sephora outlets and Ulta stores. … The beautiful, super sweet Olivia Newton John is battling Stage 4 cancer, but always has a smile and poses for photographers every time she’s out in public. And her beautiful daughter Chloe will be on DWTS and Olivia will be there cheering her on. I love Olivia.

And finally, with the Coronavirus scare, overseas travel has taken a serious hit and a city getting the benefit is Palm Springs, California. Non-Stop flights from Dallas, ORD, LA, Phoenix and SFO.  They have more visitors than anytime in their history. Can’t get in restaurants, on golf courses, it’s total gridlock.    

Answer – #4 Natalie Portman, #3 Mila Kunis, #2 Scarlett Johansson, and #1 Margot Robbie.


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