Report for Tuesday, Feb 4th

Pop Quiz: Name the celebrity who was named after the city he was born in, won’t sign autographs, his dad was a WW2 Fighter pilot hero and he was the Penguin’s dad in Batman Returns. Is it Liam Neeson, Dan Aykroyd, Pee-wee Herman or Jeff Goldblum?

Oscars News: Very weird that 1917 has won Golden Globe, SAG, Producer’s Guild, the Hollywood Critics, and American Film Institute Best Picture, and it’s even money to win Oscar Best Picture, but there’s no acting nominations for the movie. And another weird thing, Director Sam Mendes has won the same number of Awards, but because the movie looks like one long shot, it’s not nominated for editing. … Speaking of the Oscars, with no host, the following folks will be presenters and have a few funny lines, Steve Martin, Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino, Randy Newman, Jonah Hill, Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, Harrison Ford, Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, I’m guessing it will be political and boring.  

TV News: Dog the Bounty Hunter did not quit his show, it was canceled.

Music Notes: After her suicide attempts at ages 7, 18 and again last year, Demi Lovato’s comeback gigs at the Grammys and at the Super Bowl were both great. Good for her. … Speaking of making themselves proud, J-Lo’s 11 year old daughter Emme, was great during her Super Bowl Halftime appearance with her Mom and DWTS has already contacted  J-Lo, asking the chances of Emme being on their show next year. Stay tuned. 

Kobe Bryant and his daughter funeral services may be this week and there have been memorial services all over the country. The N.Y. Post front page headline Sunday said it all. Headline screamed, “A Star Is Mourned.”

Is It True, Beyonce and Jay Z begged the NFL to let them be the Super Bowl Halftime entertainment, they were turned down. Maybe that’s why they made sure they were seen, not standing for the Anthem, just to bug the NFL. 

Answer – Pee-wee Herman and he was born in Peekskill, New York.


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