Report for Thursday, Jan 30th

Pop Quiz: Name the celebrity who personally answers 50 fan letters every week by hand, owns several Christmas tree lots, failed her drivers test 3 times, and taught herself to play guitar. Is it Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Taylor Swift or Dolly Parton?

Here’s something new, I’ve never promoted a podcast before but a must hear podcast is presented by the Los Angeles Times called, Chasing Cosby. A 6 part podcast that briefly looks at early Cosby, but 90% of the audio documentary interviews the nearly 60 women about their story of being drugged and then sexually molested or raped by America’s Dad. It is shocking, from the LA Times.

And there’s a slew of all new documentary’s on TV that are all compelling. First, Not a Prince, the in depth documentary of Prince Andrew and Jeff Epstein, guaranteed shocking. … Jessica Simpson is the subject of a documentary that exposes her alcoholism, a horrific marriage, huge weight gains and the biggie, childhood sex abuse. But still worth $150 million. … Another documentary will focus on Lady Gaga’s depression, in fact she’s even moved back home. … With the OctoMom, remember her, releasing pictures of all her 8 kids on their 11th Birthday’s, A&E, Bravo, Discovery and the ID Network are interested in a new reality show.

On a much more serious note, BBC is working on an ongoing documentary on the Coronavirus tragedy. Truth is this virus first struck China 18 months ago, but the Chinese government kept it quiet and scoop is thousands and thousands have died there. Fallout includes China Airline pilots are refusing to report to work, Movie theaters, most studios, McDonald’s and most Starbucks have closed there. BBC will stay on top of it. … On the Discovery Channel, McMillion’s. It will show how the McDonald’s Monopoly Game was a total fraud, the fix was in, this will make you McVomit.

Most Ridiculous Item: At the Oscar Luncheon, a huge sign that all nominees had to wear ID tags so everybody knew who each other was, even made Brad Pitt wear one.

Answer – Taylor Swift.


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