Report for Monday, Jan 13th

Pop Quiz: Name the celebrity who was named after a shopping Mall. Is it Hayden Panettiere for a Mall in N.Y., Halle Berry for a Mall in Cleveland, Daniel Radcliffe for a Mall in London or Charleze Theron for a Mall in South Africa.

Love Nuggets: Green Bay Packer quarterback Aaron Rodgers is looking ahead to the next Play-off game, Sunday, but this summer he’ll be looking forward to a his wedding to former race car driver, Danica Patrick. The two have already set up house keeping, with the purchase of a $23 million Malibu Beach pad. … Justin Timberlake swears that he’s never wondered off the marriage reservation and bent over backwards to make-up for that photographed hand holding with his co-star and wife Jessica Biel has apparently forgiven him, they went on a mini vaca this weekend. … The England Media is blasting Meghan and Harry saying it was no time to desert the Royal family and people with the horrible fires in Australia which is part of Great Britain, and 67 Canadians, also part of Great Britain, who died on that plane in Iran. And I agree. … And over the weekend, Meghan Markel was bragging to friends that she’s going to be the next Grace Kelly or Princess Grace of Monaco. Excuse me there Meghan, Grace Kelly won an Academy Award and several Golden Globes, you’re no Grace Kelly. 

Odds and Ends: For the last 6 months Eddie Murphy has been sneaking into Comedy Clubs and trying out new material, all well received and Eddie will do a 12 city tour this fall. And he’s already signed for two Netflix specials later this year. … CBS has guaranteed Clarice, the Silence of the Lambs sequel as a 16 episodes series, that’s huge. … Why is anybody surprised that Lindsey’s mom, Dina was arrested for Drunk Driving. For years at parties, Dina has always been first at the troth and then back for seconds and thirds. … Oscar nominations today and I like LSU tonight in the NCAA Championship game.

Answer – Halle Berry was named after a Mall in Cleveland.


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