Report for Wednesday, Jan 8th

Pop Quiz: Name the celebrity who skydived and his first parachute didn’t open but luckily his second chute did, he failed High School drama class, worked as a checker at a grocery store and he’ll be on the sidelines at the Packer game this Sunday. Is it Ryan Reynolds,  Ryan Seacrest, Ryan Phillippe or Ryan Gosling?

TV News: Killing Eve has finally been green lighted for a Season 4. Love that show. … Worst TV ratings for latest Democrat debate, and the worst TV ratings ever for the Miss America Pageant a couple weeks ago. Probably the last time we’ll see them on TV. 

Odds and Ends: Happy to report once drug and booze infested Chet Hanks, Tom Hank’s son finished his second round of rehab last summer and is 100% clean and sober. … If you want to see the Roseanne and Andrew Dice Clay stand-up tour, forget about it! It’s been canceled, no ticket sales. Is anybody surprised? Not me. … Michael Jackson sold $1.7 million in music sales last year in 2019. … Carrie Underwood is spreading her wings and looking at television and movie projects. She’s been taking acting lessons for years. She was good in Soul Surfer in 2011. … There will be a sequel to Knives Out and again will star Daniel Craig. … Word is Madonna is planning to cancel more concert dates. While she blames health, tickets cost too much and sales are down. This all started back the night before Thanksgiving in Boston. I was in Boston planned to go to that show, but it was canceled. … You would think Arizona authorities would have better choices to file felony charges against N.E. Patriot’s owner Robert Kraft on that Prostitution rap, but that’s their plan. … Friend sent me a picture of the only Ski-Thru McDonalds, it’s actually on the slopes, order while on your skis standing in the snow. It’s in Lindvallen, Sweden. … And the most ridiculous story that Bill Cosby’s attorney is threatening to sue NBC and Eddie Murphy for Murphy taking shots at Cosby on SNL, claiming they hurt Cosby’s reputation. Hello? Hurting his reputation? Cosby’s a convicted felon and sex offender!

Answer – Ryan Reynolds.


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