Report for Wednesday, Mar 27th

This week’s Pop Quiz Theme, American cities and how they rank in good and bad categories. Today, here are the top 4 cities who have the most homeless, excluding N.Y. and L.A. which by size have the most. So, what city has the most homeless? Is it Seattle, San Jose, Washington. D.C. or San Francisco?

Love Nuggets: Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes must be off again, haven’t been together for weeks, Jamie spending a lot of time with his daughter and his old girlfriend. … Is It True, Alex Rodriguez sent X-rated photos of himself to Zoe Gregory a Playboy centerfold in England begging her to come to L.A. for a threesome with him and J-Lo? And that he sent the photos the day before purposing to Jennifer. I don’t know, Alex has always been a horndog and spent more time at the Playboy Mansion than Hugh Hefner. It’s a disgusting story. 

Odds and Ends: Nicole Sheridan and Felicity Huffman worked together on Desperate Housewives but they really hate each other. How much? When it was announced Felicity had got caught up in the college scandal, Sheridan threw a huge party to celebrate. … Isabella Cruise is Tom’s 27 year old daughter has been guzzling the Kool-Aid, she says Scientology should be excepted as the official religion of the United States. Right…

Regarding Jussie Smollett who was indicted by a grand jury, was allowed to do community service and pay $10,000, rather than face the 16 charges. Ord has the most murders, robberies, assaults, uncharged crimes and is the most corrupt city in America. This was a whitewash of justice, so says the chief of police, mayor, city cancel and even the prosecutor. Only explanation, prosecutors must have feared a racial backlash if it had gone to trial.

Tomorrow I’ll review Dumbo and a head’s up, I disagree with Rotten Tomatoes again. 

Answer –  #4 San Jose, #3 San Francisco, #2 Washington, D.C. and #1 Seattle. 


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