O.T.R. 10-17-13



Love Nugget Updates: Friends say that Rolling Stone Magazine heir, Theo Wenner and Miley Cyrus are together everyday, 24/7. Serious. … There seems to be a crack in Katy Perry and John Mayer’s relationship. … On the other hand Meg Ryan and John Mellencamp are happily ever aftering, but promise they will never actually get married. … And, despite the rumors, don’t believe Katie Holmes and Jamie Fox are an item.

TV News: Walking Dead ratings are through the roof, but even more interesting, the show is demanding and getting over $500,000 for 30 second spots, that’s NFL numbers. … Ratings in the toilet for the Kartrashians, and when the show is finally over Kris will do a show that will follow her new in her single lifestyle. Skank party of one!

Another great NY Post Headline, Jane Baker is on trial for felony prostitution and when she saw the long security lines leading into court, she tried to cut in line. She was caught, and the headline screamed, Ho No You Don’t. … Odd Quote, Madonna says, “Yoga keeps me humble.” Say what.

Odds and Ends: O.J. Simpson says he’s been studying the Bible and plans to be a television evangelist when he gets out of prison. No comment. … When growing up in the Jackson family, there was one steadfast rule, from Michael to LaToya, all the kids were told, they must call their father Joseph or Mr. Jackson, never dad. No wonder they’re all screwed up. … And regarding the Dodgers, not dead yet. Won yesterday, Friday game 6 in STL.


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