O.T.R. 08-16-13



Love Nuggets: Now it can be told, Carman Electra was madly in love with Simon Cowel, until she caught him several times, lying and cheating on her. … Things are heating up between 47 year old Robin Wright Penn (Sean Penn’s ex) and her 32 year old actor boyfriend, Ben Foster. They’ve been dating 2 years now. … New York Yankee, Derek Jeter is trying to keep it quiet, but is hot and heavy with Hannah Davis, who I think is the hottest Sports Illustrated Swim Suit model.

Movie Review: Kick Ass 2 is a sequel about teens who dress as super heroes and become vigilantes against criminals. This time older citizens join the fight and there’s also a new super villain. This could have been just as funny without the blood, gore and raunchy language. (Rated R) – (103 Minutes) – (1 ½ Stars). … Go see Butler, Planes, Blue Jasmine, or Jobs.

TV News: Just when you thought you have heard of every, possible, stupid, reality show! On Monday night on the TLC channel, a show about a man with an extremely rare disease. The Man With The 132 Pound Scrotum. That’s right and they do the surgery and talk to him about the problems of having a 132 pound scrotum. Unbelievable! … Since Meet The Press host Tim Russert died, the ratings have died. Host David Gregory will be fired as soon as they can find a replacement. The search is on going. … TV ratings shocker! Debut of Duck Dynasty beat Breaking Bad, 11 million to 6 million.


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