O.T.R. 05-30-13



Latest Amanda Bynes tweets, Courtney Love should be embarrassed she’s so ugly. … Rihanna wishes she was white, but Ri-Ri, you never be white so just live with it. … By the way, Amanda’s parents worry she could drug over dose, but Amanda won’t answer their calls, texts or e-mails.

TV News: Behind the Candelabra was the highest rated HBO movie in 10 years. Rob Lowe will play JFK in Bill O’Riley’s, Killing Kennedy, and Rob says he can hardly wait, that he’s been doing John Kennedy impressions since he was 12 years old. … It’s back, the Killing on AMC, great show temporally canceled because it’s first season finale was so bad there was a backlash. But it’s back all new this Sunday night. Good News, Glee, has been picked up for 2 years, bad news, some of the young cast are such pot heads, it’s not unusual for shooting to be delayed because they are too stoned. … The Voice ratings were up Tuesday. … Instant Pop Quiz to make a point, who won Idol 2 weeks ago, Candace Glover.

Odds and Ends: Penelope Cruz 2nd baby is due any day now. She could have the baby in the U.S. and it would have duel citizenship, Spain, where Penelope and Javier Bardem are citizens and American. But, they have decided to have the baby in their original homeland, in Spain so the baby will be Spaniard. … Somebody in the neighborhood had a radar gun say Justin Bieber was not going 75 MPH in a 20 MPH residential zone, he was going 101 MPH.


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