O.T.R. 05-28-13



Final thoughts on Memoroial Day, when stars were stars, Ronald Reagan, Henry Fonda, Jimmy Stewart and Clarke Gable are just a few celebrities that walked away from Hollywood and immediately went in the Military after Pearl Harbor. Would the Jay Z’s, Leonardo Dicaprio’s and Johnny Depp’s do the same? Somehow I doubt it. … And then you have Kendall Kardashian tweeting being a Kardashian is very hard, and Amanda Bynes tweeted that Chris Brown beat up Rihanna because she was ugly? Amanda has since said that tweet was not from her, but it was, she’s delusional.

Love Nuggets: They date young in Hollywood, 14 year old Jaden Smith (Will/Jada’s boy) is dating 14 year old Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian’s little sister. More Kardashian stuff, Kanye West didn’t go with Kim when she had the Ultra sound to learn the sex of their baby, he wasn’t at the official photo op for the Keeping Up With The Kardashian TV Show, and wasn’t seen with Kim at all over the weekend. What’s that all about. …. Tom Cruise has a new girlfriend, all we know is she worked behind the scenes during Tom shooting the film, All You Need Is Killing. Very cute and very young…………..

Odds and Ends: Britney Spears will sign a one year, 4 performances a week at the Planet Hollywood in Vegas tomorrow for a lot of money, in the much millions. … Lifetime TV is going ahead and airing the Jodi Arias movie on June 22nd, despite the jury being hung on the punishment phase, and the new punishment trial wont start until July. Prediction, Things are going to get very ugly this week in the Jackson -vs- AEG trial.


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