O.T.R. 01-22-13



Love Nuggets: Harry Styles has been trying to hook-up with Selena Gomez, but so far she’s been able to avoid him. … Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are going stronger than ever, friends say that Mila wears the pants in that relationship. … Heard that Taylor Swift is going to put out a new album, all about a boyfriend that never existed. See what I did there.

TV News: According to Ronald Reagan’s daughter, Patti Davis, NBC Network stole her idea for the show, the 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. That’s ok it’s hidious. … Regis Philbin will return as the host to, The Millionaire. … CNN would love for Ryan Seacrest to take over for Piers Morgan, however Ryan would have to take a serious pay cut, and that ain’t happening. … Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have signed a deal with HBO for a 3rd, WW2 mini series, follow-up from Band of Brothers and The Pacific. Sunday TV Ratings. … NFL AFC Championship Game did 41 million viewers, the #2 show was Hawaii 5-0, it drew only 13,000,100. Football dominates. The Grammys hate Dick Clark but to make themselves look good will award him a lifetime award on the show next month. How phony. … Love this, all libraries in Australia have had Lance Armstrong biography’s put in the fiction section.

Head’s up, starting today you can order a really great, family oriented DVD, that Abel’s Field, a Sony Picture release is a feel good, solid family value movie. Please go to ablesfield.com. You can watch the tailor and order it there. Family entertainment, abelsfield.com.


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