Personal Comment: I am so sick and tired of these over paid, over sexed, ego maniac celebrities. Justin Timberlake’s attorney says they will vigorously fight “the unfair, wrong arrest of his client.” Okay I know that is his job, but just look at the facts. Timberlake was partying and drinking with his buddies for three hours! He laughed about swigging his friends drinks when they went the bathroom! At least one of his friends say he was “wasted.” The valet said he was drunk when he left the lot! Video shows he was driving erratically, he refused to take a breathalyzer and failed the sobriety test. But his high paid attorney says the arrest was unfair and wrong. Give me a brake, it it was you are me, we’d be guilty, period. Justin should be a man, just admit he was drunk! If he did that he’d get a lot more respect, but he won’t.
Hottest story of the day, several cast and crew members of the movie, Rust, will testify for the prosecution against Alec Baldwin. They all confirm that Baldwin as the producer and star of the movie was “reckless, sloppy, negligent, careless and lax” when it came to firearms on the set! And an expert prosecution witnesses will testify Baldwin’s claim the gun went off by itself is “100% impossible.” Sounds like an open shut involuntary manslaughter case. But hey that’s just me.
While Disney says they times are tough, business is down and budgets are tight, but they just got a $17 billion bank loan to expand DisneyWorld in Florida by 18 acres.
Yesterday I told you Jack Nicholson’s health is failing. Today I am very sorry to report that Bill Cosby is also not doing well at all. Bill Cosby is 87 years old.
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