We start with the arrest of Justin Timberlake in New York for DWI. Sidebar, The officer who arrested Justin didn’t know who he was! There was a dash cam on the police car that recorded Justin’s driving before the arrest. Justin refused a breathalyzer and failed the sobriety test. Even a friend of Justin admitted he was smashed when he left! And Justin has bragged he has often drank a whole bottle of whiskey in one sitting! F.Y.I wife Jessica Biel has been after Justin for a long time, to back off the booze. Maybe now? I could name over 50 celebrities who who have been arrested for DWI’s in the past, including Paris Hilton, Kevin Hart, Heather Locklear, Robert Downey Jr., Tiger Woods, Nicole Richie, Michele Rodriguez, Vince Vaughn, Justin Bieber, Mel Gibson, Kiefer Sutherland, Keanu Reeves and I can go on and on. And there are a lot of other big name celebrities have been busted for DWI, but somehow had their records expunged so we can’t name them! Honestly, a celebrity busted for DWI is not uncommon.
Movie Scoopage: The Michael Jackson biopic entitled, Michael, wrapped three weeks ago and is now in post production! This is going to be a great movie that examines Michael from a 3 year old toddler until his death. Jaafar Jackson plays Michael could get an Oscar nomination. Jaafar is Michael’s brother Jermaine’s son, Michael’s nephew. Michael opens nationwide April 18th, 2025.
SNL 1975, the biography, comedy, drama film is also in post production and at the same Sony studio in Culver City as the movie Michael. And this movie is also getting a lot of buzz. True story of Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Jane Curtain, Garrett Morris, Laraine Newman and Gilda Radner on October 11th, 1975 on the first Saturday Night Live. SNL 75 opens nationwide October 11th, 2025. Exactly 50 years after the TV debut.
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