Report for Monday, July 31st

Hottest Scoop of the Day: Is It True, there are some big name actors who have been shooting some movie scenes with scab crews, SAG officials are investigating! Speaking of the strike, the Emmy Awards TV show has been postponed, ah duh!

Here’s a twist on a celebrity Love List. These are the five celebrities who have been married the most times and there are four people tied for #2, Elizabeth Taylor, Mickey Rooney, Larry King and Richard Pryor, who were all married eight times, but #1 with nine marriages is Zsa Zsa Gabor! In the old days people didn’t sleep with somebody, they got married first.

The Harry and Meghan story just keeps getting worse. First, every television deal unwound because they didn’t show up, when they did they were mean, argumentative and boring. They bad mouthed the Royal family in interviews and books. Now there are marital problems and joining their neighbors, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom and Ariana Grande who will have nothing to do with them, Over the weekend, David and Victoria Beckham said they will never speak to them again, no details as to why. Meanwhile, Harry was house hunting over the weekend in Malibu for a much cheaper home. Harry might want to checkout Lisa Marie Presley’s 7500 square foot house that went up for sale in Calabasas, just $4.5 million and just down the street from The Kardashians.

Show Biz Business: Disney is selling off it’s holdings and cutting costs everywhere it can, firing 6,000 employees over the last 18 months and unloading all their expensive personalities. The latest, Alex Rodriguez who has agreed to be released with no contract pay-off, in exchange for letting him go straight to Fox Sports. That’s good for Disney and A-Rod bad for Fox, A-Rod stinks. More Disney, their movie Haunted Mansion cost $157 million and last weekend brought in $28 million. No wonder Disney is having a basement sale. … Shocking, while face value tickets for Taylor Swift’s Los Angeles concerts are $49-449, Stub Hub have those tickets for sale for $800-11,000. Outrages!


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