Report for Wednesday, June 28th

The two men who sued Michael Jackson for sexual assault when they were kids that was thrown out for lack of evidence, and were behind the documentary, Leaving Neverland, 10 years ago, have got a three judge appeal court to allow them a second bite at the apple. I covered the huge child molesting trial against Michael in Santa Barbara 30 years ago when 12 jurors found Michael Jackson innocent. There may or may not be a trial but in my opinion, Jacko was a weird duck but don’t believe he was a child molester. This reminds me of Michael’s funeral when Al Sharpton was speaking and looked down at Michael’s three kids in the front row and said, “Don’t let anybody ever tell you your daddy was strange.” No, if there was anything 100% true, Michael Jackson was strange.

30 years ago this month Lorena Bobbitt cut off her husband John Wayne Bobbitt’s penis. She has remarried, has a daughter and volunteers at a domestic violence center. John’s been married and divorced three times, receives a huge settlement from an accident and is a treasure hunter in Finn Forrest in the Rockies. F.Y.I his penis was reattached.

Hollywood production companies are falling all over themselves to do a mini series on Bryan Kohberger, the man accused of killing 4 college students in Idaho. Kohberger was in court yesterday and his lawyers say police found DNA of three other men in the house the following morning and that should clear their client. Wrong, there was a party at the house the night before, there were 23 invited and there was a lot of DNA left behind. Kohberger wore gloves, trial starts October 3rd and faces the firing squad.

As predicted here a month ago, confirmed yesterday, Seacrest is the new host of Wheel of Fortune. By the way, Vanna hasn’t had a raise in 18 years and may leave and sue for millions.

A very close personal friend of mine who really knows politics and is usually right on told me don’t be surprised if there is a third party next year with president and vice president Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, and they could win. Hey, I’m just the messenger.


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