Report for Thursday, June 22nd

Love Nugget: Is It True Jennifer Garner and John Miller the CEO of the CaliGroup which among other things owns the world wide CaliBurger restaurants, have been dating for five years and friends say they are very close to getting married in a very quiet ceremony. 

Money, cities and homes. If you make $250,000 a year, which I never have, these are the seven cities to avoid because your money will go less then any other city. #7 San Diego, #6 Washington D.C., #5 Long Beach, #4 Los Angeles, #3 San Francisco, #2 Honolulu and the most expensive, #1 New York City. … Now the three celebrities who make a lot more than $250,000 a year and they own the most expensive celebrity homes, #3 George Lucas $125 million home, #2 Bill Gates $135 million home and Jay Z and Beyonce home cost $201 million. And we know where the new Las Vegas A’s baseball stadium is being built, at 3801 Las Vegas Blvd, the site of the famed Tropicana Hotel that was built 66 years ago. 

Movie News: Little known fact. If you want to be the female lead in a Tom Cruise film you are first interviewed about your personal views at the L.A. Church of Scientology. If you don’t believe me ask Katie Holmes, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan, Kate Bosworth or Scarlett Johansson. Obviously some of them didn’t make the cut. … Maybe a little early to mark your calendar, but Disney has announced Avatar 3 will be released July 4, 2025, next Star Wars July 4, 2026, Avatar 4 Thanksgiving 2028 and Avatar 5 Christmas 2031. I don’t make this stuff up forks. 

Odds and Ends: Spotted hanging together in Palm Springs where they both live, former Guns N’ Roses drummer Matt Sorum and Barry Manilow. When I lived in Palm Springs shopping at the Jenson’s Market I was in line between Martina Navratilova and Barry Manilow. … And Chrissy Teigen, one of the most disliked celebrities, says she is actually one of the most popularity celebrities. Question, where do I get what she’s smoking?


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