Report for Monday, June 19th

Love Nuggets: Spotify President Bill Simmons who has been in business with Harry and Meghan for two years and paid them millions, calls them and I quote, “Bleeping grifters, bottom feeding jerks, lazy, classless bums.” And Dior are idiots if they pay Meghan millions to be their flag barrier! Prediction, they will be separated and broke within 18 months. … Jennifer Aniston has had two short failed marriages, admits she hasn’t been on a real date for a year but say’s she’s now looking for real true love. Good luck.  

Last Friday I told you the #10-6 best tippers and promised you the top five celebrity tippers and the worst five celebrity tippers.

Worst tippers, #5 Madonna only leaves 5-10% no matter what she orders or where she is.

#4 Tiger Woods always makes whoever his dining with leave the tip, because he’s not!

#3 Usher gives an autograph picture for a tip, although you can buy one on eBay for $6.

#2 Britney Spears who complains about service from the get go and never tips valets. 

#1 Jeremy Piven who never tips, period and has been banned from several restaurant’s including all Nobu’s for cheapness.

Now for the Top 5 celebrity tippers, #5 Drew Carey who always leave a 75% tip. 

#4 Hulk Hogan, whatever the bill is, doubles it for a tip.

#3 Charlie Sheen tips 100% and whatever the bill was, often gives that amount too and tells server have dinner on him.

#2 David Beckham who usually tips 200% of the bill amount.

#1 Johnny Depp and all bets are off. Has tipped $500 bucks on a $60 beer tab, he also tipped $4,000 on a $2200 dollar tab. He’s usually drunk or stoned but who cares?

Finally the answer the age old question what came first the chicken or the egg? Want to guess? Scientist say they have proof that the original birds that developed into chickens gave birth like mammals, natural birth, not eggs. Chicken came first, hope you enjoy your breakfast.


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