Report for Tuesday, June 6th

Love Nugget: There has been a lot of talk about Taylor Swift and her current boyfriend, Matty Healy, are planning a huge announcement by the end of the year. Prediction, it won’t be marriage, Taylor is already getting tired of Matty’s two pack a day cigarette smoking habit and his heavy drinking. I’d be surprised if they were still together by the end of the year. I think it’s a lot of publicity whoring, that’s just me. … Here’s a goofy one, 79 year old Robert De Niro who became a father again a couple months ago with his younger girlfriend says he’s already talked to his 83 year old best friend, Al Pacino who has just impregnated his 29 year old girlfriend, about play dates with their kids. But hold on, Pacino is demanding a DNA test to make sure it’s his. That’s love Hollywood style.

TV News: While America’s Got Talent is on now, their ratings have been slipping and Britain Got Talent that just ended, had the worst ratings ever. My daughter Lacy and her family went to a America’s Got Talent shooting last month and said it was a joke. Stick a fork in A.G.T., it’s done.

Music Note: Freddie Mercury – Queen’s catalog is being sold for $1 billion. For the record, Queen is my all time favorite band.

Hollywood Crap: In 2001, Sharon Stone had a stroke and Hollywood turned their back on her. Good news, for the first time since then, Sharon and her best friend, Bette Midler, will co-star in a movie together. 

Odds and Ends: Regarding that private jet that went off course over D.C. and F-16’s were scrambled and it crashed into the Virginia Mountains. As soon as I heard about that, I remembered October 25, 1999 when I heard about a private jet with an unresponsive pilot also scrambled F-16’s and that plane crashed in South Dakota. It was golfer Payne Stewart’s plane. … Really odd, Rosco paint company supplied the paint to Warner Brothers for the shooting of Barbie. Everything had to be painted pink and so much pink was needed, it caused a worldwide six month shortage of pink paint! True story.


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