Report for Monday, Apr 24th

Hot Love Nugget: Prince Harry is missing home and at the same time Meghan has never been happier living in Beverly Hills. In fact Meghan has doubled down, blasting King Charles for some of his comments. Folks, there is trouble in paradise. … Sex deviant Anthony Weiner was spotted with his ex-wife, Hillary Clinton’s best friend, Huma Abedin. I have to say it, that Anthony is a real wiener. … Kevin Spacey will go to court in London on June 28th facing twelve sex assault charges brought by four different men. Meanwhile, Spacey has taken a hiatus from acting until all these charges are decided. Spacey was working on the movie, Gore, where he plays Gore Vidal when the charges were first filed and the studio shut ‘er down.

TV News: I was never a fan of the Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest morning show, thought it was corny, goofy and boring! So now that Ryan has left and Kelly’s husband Mark is her new partner, the show is supercilious, ridiculous and bombastic. Nuff said! … Scoopage, Katy Perry will not be brought back as a judge on American Idol. She has been mean and made fun of contestants, alienated sponsors and basically been a total jerk.  

Movie News: I haven’t seen it, but Hollywood Heist starring Alec Baldwin, Tara Reid, Mickey Rourke and Nick Cannon is about struggling actors who turn to Hollywood Boulevard street crime. This movie could be the worst movie ever made, Alex Baldwin should go to jail just based on his performance in this abortion.

Odds and Ends: From rags to riches department, Boy George once worth over $100 million is expected to file for bankruptcy sometime soon, bad investments and multiple lawsuits. … Shocking number, in the last 6 days, Taylor Swift has sold 236,978 albums. … Each day this week, I am going to share the five most superstitious celebrities. Starting with #5 Lady Gaga. Gaga says she is very selective how often she has sex, are you ready, because according to Gaga every time she sleeps with someone a little part of her creativity is lost through her vagina. Honest, I don’t make this stuff up.


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