Report for Wednesday, Apr 12th

We start with the most ridiculous item I’ve seen in years. British newspapers are screaming front page outrage at Prince William’s wife, Kate Middleton. Reason, because she wore red fingernail polish. I’m not joking, all media outlets are furious with Kate! For decades the late Queen Elizabeth said bright color nail polish should never be worn by Royals in public. Wars, crime, disease, with all the problems in the world, fingernails? Come on man!

TV News: With Kim Kardashian agreeing to appearing on American Horror Story, look for ratings to be huge. Actually, here’s a well kept secret I can share. Before having babies, Kim took lengthy acting lessons and she was reportedly pretty good. By the way,  Kim has failed the bar exam, again. If she can’t be an attorney, guess she’ll be an actress. 

Show Biz Business: It looks like it’s going to happen, 12,000 television writers are going on strike. This will kill, ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox. But let’s be honest, the network shows, dramas and comedies are neither serious or funny, hey they suck. … But I have some good show biz business. More and more people are going to movies, we are almost at pre-covid numbers.

Odds and Ends: Told you Johnny Depp is now living in a Downton Abbey type castle in England. But Depp is also investing money in England, Johnny is buying pubs! Johnny also just bought a home in France. … What’s up with Meghan Markle getting the Woman of the Year Vision Award! How is Meghan Markle Woman of the Year? Maybe Clown of the year. … Let’s face it, what I talk about everyday is just the toy department of human affairs. However as my grandmother Neena uses to say, “Mike, if you are going to be on the radio, you need to help the people!” Well here you go, there is now proof that some public USB access and power stations in coffee shops, airplanes, airports, even libraries are not safe! Your phone, laptop and I-Pad’s may be hacked. You could be sharing personal items from contacts to banking info. Hey, I’m just sharing, you’ve be warned.


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