Report for Tuesday, Mar 7th

TV News: I want to share with you all about my very favorite television show on monthly on HBO. Real Sports starring an old buddy, Bryant Gumbel. Even if you don’t like sports, this hour long show always has four fabulous segments. Segment this month includes a story about a woman who took over a run down horse stable right next to a Philadelphia ghetto who turns it into a place for underprivileged, minority kids who spend hours after school working at the stables, taking care and riding horses and even learning to play polo. This project has been in existence for 24 years and has changed and saved lives. Another segment is about a guy called, Wheels! He performs at X-Games, doing flips, twist and other life threatening stunts off 50 foot ramps in his wheelchair! Saying he hopes it shows other wheelchair bound people they can do anything. Another segment is about the Life Guards on Oahu’s North Shore where 60 foot waves have injured thousands and have killed many and how they’ve saved many more. Real Sports on HBO once a month. F.Y.I. Bryant and I played on the same L.A. Media baseball team and there’s a picture of the two of us in our uniforms before a game we played against celebrities before a Dodger game at Dodger Stadium, check out my website. 

Chris Rock was paid $40 million for two Netflix Specials. The first was on Saturday and Saturday’s special was seen in 90 countries and 27 million viewers. … More Netflix, they have green lighted a Gary Glitter documentary. Why? I have no idea! This child molesting scum bag has spent time in prison for child molesting in America, Cuba, England, Columbia Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. More than 21 Countries have denied him entry after being convicted of raping a 10 year old girl and that’s `just one of many child sexual assaults. He deserves the death penalty. Glitter is 79 years old!

How about that Prince Harry, loves him some pot, but his drug of choice is shrooms, magic mushrooms. When I was younger did my share of shroomage, this could explain some of Prince Harry’s decisions! As for Harry, far out dude!


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