Report for Monday, Jan 30th

Monday Pop Quiz: Last week for the third time, reports that Tina Turner had died. Actually the 83 year old Tina has been living for the last 10 years in a $75 million mansion in Switzerland. Question, Tina was Missouri All State High school athlete for what sport, Tennis, basketball or softball?

Love and Crime: Mia Farrow says she has new proof that in 1997, her husband Woody Allen repeatedly sexually molested their 12 year old adopted daughter, Dylan. This is an old story with new details in Mia’s up-coming book, Their Dark side of Paradise. … Family Feuds, Lisa Marie wrote her mom Priscilla out of her Will, leaving everything to her daughter Riley. Priscilla has filed court papers challenging possible fraud. Ugly! … Hot Scoopage, it is true Michael Jackson was shocked and blindsided when Lisa Marie filed for divorce! It put Jacko in a tailspin that lasted over a year. … And Jennifer Lopez’s ex, 54 year old Marc Anthony has married 23 year old beauty queen, Nadia Ferreira. This is Marc’s fourth marriage, ah, yeah, Nadia’s first marriage. 

TV News: William Macy’s wife, Felicity Huffman is starring in her own ABC series, “The Good Lawyer,” a spin from the popular “The Good Doctor.” It is Felicity’s first gig since her 14 days in jail and 250 hours community service for that College admission bust. … Animal Control debuting February 16 on Fox is pretty good, check it out (3 Stars). … Happy days are hear again, The Simpson’s, Family Guy and Bob’s Burgers all renewed. 

I told you so. Update, Last October I told you the Stones had been sneaking into a studio and expect the first new Stone Album since 2005. Look for a July release.

Odds and Ends: Bill Murray is still apparently blackballed, no gigs since being fired from the Being Mortal movie last year for what is being called inappropriate behavior. F.YI. this isn’t the first time Murray has been accused of inappropriate behavior. 

Answer – Tina was first team all state Missouri, basketball star.


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