Report for Monday, Dec 19th

Merry Christmas Week, and we start with some hodgepodge about some hotties. First, Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck’s ex, is single, her three kids are all in school full time, former actress Jennifer is exploring a new gig, a run for U.S. Congress. … Amber Heard is still appealing her loss in court to Johnny Depp, can’t get arrested! Other than a bad movie in post production called, Lost In Fire, she has no other offers. Next is Kim Kardashian who is building a $7 million home in Palm Springs and when school is out in Los Angels she and the kids will be living in the desert all year round. … Margot Robbie loves telling the story that while shooting a scene in Babylon, she laid a huge open mouth kiss on Brad Pitt with cameras rolling that was not in the script. Margot says that would probably be the only time she’s get to kiss Brad, a longtime dream. … And is case you missed it or in case you cared, which I certainly don’t, Grace Stanke from Wisconsin is the 2023 Miss America. I’m happy for her, however, I didn’t even know they still did Miss America.

Movie News: Don’t let me catch you watching, Poker Face. This may be the worst movie made this year. It stars Russell Crowe and Liam Hemsworth. Hard to say what is worse, the acting, the script, the cinematography or pacing. It’s all bad. Crowe plays a gambler who challenges his friends to bet on their secrets that turns into revenges that turns into weird robbery. So convoluted it’s almost comical. F.Y.I. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 9, that’s 9 out of 100!

Avatar: The Way of The Water under performed at the Box Office, however there are two major reasons. First, this was the last weekend of shopping before Christmas and the weather has been snowy and frigid around the country hurting the box office. Supposedly it is sold-out starting Christmas Eve and the entire following week. No worries.

Funny Sports Nugget: When a visiting team in the NFL are busing to the stadium they have a police escort, but fans still throw tomatoes and eggs at their bus.


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