Report for Monday, Oct 17th

With taxes, crime, traffic and politics gone crazy, so far this year the following celebrities have officially changed their residence out of California and moved. Mark Wahlberg sold his $70 million Los Angeles home moved to Las Vegas. Hillary Swank moved to Boulder, Colorado. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban moved to Nashville, Tennessee. Dana Carvey moved to Billings, Montana. Zac Efron moved to Turquoise Bay, Western Australia. Tom Cruise moved to London. Matt Damon moved to Miami. J.K. Simmons moved to Flathead Valley, Montana. Kelsey Grammer moved to Beaver Creek, Colorado. David Letterman moved to Kalispell, Montana. Keven Costner moved to Aspen, Colorado. Lenny Kravitz moved to Ft. Laurderdale. Gwen Setafani and Blake Shelton to Tulsa, Oklahoma. … Josh Brolin to Savannah, Georgia. And Bill Murray to Denver, Colorado.

But you don’t want Bill Murray as a neighbor. Following two women charging Murray with sexual misconduct on the set of AntMan that lead to his firing, now a whole slew of celebrities are sharing their stories about Murray. Rob Schneider says during one of Murray’s Saturday Night Live hosting gigs he was mean to everybody, called Chris Farley a fat slob and told Adam Sandler he was a no talent hack. Another time Murray coldcocked Chevy Chase for no reason. He demanded a $2,000 custom couch be backstage just for him and warned if anybody sat on it, he would walk out and quit! While on the set of Charlie’s Angels, Lucy Liu says Murray kept insulting her, even making racial slurs. And Geena Davis said when she worked with Murray in the movie, Quick Change, he asked her to his hotel room to rehearse and attacked her with a massager. What a jerk!

Odds and Ends: They say the #1 Halloween mask this year will be Jeffrey Dahmer. … Ticket to Paradise, is the new George Clooney and Julia Roberts romantic comedy that will open here in the States on Friday and I will review it then, however it has already opened last week in England, Australia and Japan and has already brought in $72 million! Here’s a tease, while Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 69% my review is much, much different.


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