Report for Tuesday, Oct 11th

Great to be back! 

The biggest news since we last spoke is Justin Bieber announcing he is retiring. Don’t believe it, I hear from an impeccable source that this retirement will last about a year. That Justin just wants some down time away from the business and special therapy. 

8 Love Nuggets: The Brad – Angelina battles continues, but there is a big difference. Brad has decided he’s tired of fighting through lawyers and wants the whole ugly mess to go in front of a judge or jury and let them decide. Yes it will probably be televised like the Johnny Depp – Amber Heard fiasco, it’ll be juicy. … There was a big deal over the weekend about a book that said Mick Jagger was bisexual. That’s 30 years too late. There’s been stories of Mick and David Bowie, Keith Richards, Freddy Mercury and others having brief flings. No big deal. … More old news, Gisele Bundchen first met with a divorce attorney in 2015. A divorce now is eminent! F.Y.I. Tom is worth $185 million and Gisele $400 million, so they’ll be okay. … A former employee of Harry and Meghan says that Meghan is the boss of that relationship. She decides who they associate with, what they eat, where they go, what he wears! The girl cracks the whip. Whipped, party of one. … No love here, when Britney Spears’ mom, Lynn sent word to Britney that she loves and misses her and would do anything to get back together. Britney sent word, Go F-Yourself. … Harvey Weinsleeze is back in court in Los Angeles charged with eight counts of California code 243.4 sexually assaulting five women, punishable by four years for each count or 40 years. Sleaze is already serving 23 years for other similar convicted sex charges. … And what’s up with Madonna telling friends that the rest of her life she’ll be gay. I was not surprised when I heard that when Kim Kardashian was shown at the Dallas Cowboy and Rams game in L.A. about 70,000 booed loudly. While In Touch, US, the Star and other magazines keep plastering stories about Kim and the fam. People really hate her.


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