Report for Wednesday, July 6th

Instant Pop Quiz: What do Angelina Jolie, Sharon Stone, Julia Fox and Kristen Stewart all have in common, answer at the end of the report.

Just when you’ve thought you’ve heard everything, Amber Heard, through her attorney is demanding the guilty verdict against her in the Johnny Depp lawsuit, be thrown out quoting 3 reasons. #1 insufficient evidence, #2 No damage to Depp’s career because it’s on the downside,  #3 failed to prove the article was malice. Hey Amber put down the pipe.

Love Nuggets: It’s over. After dating off and on for several years Hayley Atwell has bid aloha to Tom Cruise. Tom has been pressing Hayley to join Scientology and she had finally had enough. Adding insult to injury Hayley is now dating some little known actor, Ned Wolfgang Kelly, who is a self proclaimed, pagan. Ooo-wee!

No Love here, but interesting, Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox TV, movie studios, 39 newspapers, countless sky scrappers and more sent an e-mail to his wife Jerry Hall saying she was fired as his wife. While they were married in London, she has filed for divorce in Los Angeles and wants half of his $17.3 billion. They were married in 2016. That would be the screwing you get for the screwing you got! Personal nugget, I was doing sports for the National Star, which was owned by Rupert. When Rupert bought the New York Post I was hired to be the west coast sports and entertainment editor! N.Y. Post, Sports editor Jerry Lisker picked me up at Kennedy, in Ruperts limo, and Rupert was in the limo. Only time I ever met Rupert Murdoch. 

With Monday’s Parade shooting in Chicago and Christmas Parade in Wisconsin where a guy in a truck mowed down and killed 6 and injured 35, organizers of the Macy and Rose Parades are meeting trying to figure ways to make their parade more safe. 

But how do you prevent 1 madman among thousands of people from striking?  

Answer – they all never wear bras.


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