Report for Tuesday, May 24th

News Nugget: Jury selection starts today in Los Angeles in the Bill Cosby sexual battery case charging Cosby with assaulting 16 year old Judy Huth in 1975 at the Playboy Mansion. Cosby will not be there, he is reportedly in poor health and completely blind. 

Love Nuggets: At the Depp/Heard trial, Johnny Depp was suppose to be called, but that won’t happen till today. Amber’s witnesses testified about Depp’s alcohol and drug use, including pictures of Depp passed out on stairs, under tables, in closets and other places. Which asks, how would he know he abused her or not, he usually stoned! There was a story that during a recess, a woman in the gallery was asked to leave the courtroom after yelling things at Depp. The details of this have varied and unverified. 

Movie News: On Friday, Tom Cruise’s Top Gun: Maverick will be released, but a sidebar. Cruise is barely 5’6” and he always wears lifts. But checkout my website for a photo taken at Top Gun’s premier in England with Tom and Prince William, the picture is hilarious.  And I can’t wait any longer, I will review Top Gun: Maverick tomorrow. … While the Cannes Film Festival is praising the movie, Elvis. The same critics are panning, War Pony, as a stiff, which is Elvis’s granddaughter Riley Keough’s directorial debut! Most bizarre Cannes film festival note, a huge rash of cell phones stolen there. … Momoa News, Jason will star in Shots! Shots! Shots! It’s called an action comedy, that’s like saying Meg Ryan is going to star in a romantic comedy. Can you say type cast? 

Sports Notes: Scoop, Tiger Woods will not play in the U.S. Open, but is planning on playing in the British Open! Interesting, while John Daily was allowed to ride a cart at the PGA Tournament last week due to a bad leg. Tiger refused a cart, saying it would be an unfair advantage. … Mike Tyson says the guy that harassed him on the plane was lucky that he was only hitting him at about 10%. If he had wanted too he could have beat him to death.


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