Report for Tuesday, Apr 12th

Is Britney Spears pregnant? Her own twitter message yesterday seemed to say she was, but again who knows. Remember I predicted she would be pregnant before the end of the year.

Hot Scoopage: Apparently the mustard has come off the hot dog regarding Harry and Meghan in Hollywood. When they first got to Tinstle town, they were invited to all the hot parties, celebs falling all over them but that has stopped. So, the ex-Royal couple are looking to buy a home in New York City and move east. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord slit ya.

Follow-up on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences history of punishments for members who faced controversies, Will Smith was suspended for 10 years, however that’s just from the show! More serious punishments, Roman Polanski was found guilty of sexual child molesting and was expelled forever from the academy. The same punishment was handed out to convicted rapist Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein. See ya! 

A very rare Tuesday Movie Review, but it is a knock out, if you’ll excuse the pun. It’s Father Stu. It’s the true story about an out of control boxer named Stuart Long, who almost dies in a motorcycle accident! He lives and decides to turn in life around and becomes a catholic priest! It’s an incredible true story with Mark Wahlberg who gained 30 pounds for the part and Mel Gibson. Opens today (Rated R) – (2 Hours) – (3 Stars).

TV News: Dancing with the Stars has moved from ABC to Disney+ and is it true Disney+ is considering developing a Dancing with the LGBTQ show. You heard it here first.    

Sports TV News: Joe Davis is the new Fox TV Baseball announcer, replacing Joe Buck. I met Joe Davis at the Schamburg Golf club 8 years ago, a suburb of Chicago when he was doing the play by play for a single A team, for free! Joe’s big break came three years ago when he took over for the L.A. Dodger’s Hall of Famer and old friend, Vin Scully. F.Y.I. Al Michael’s wanted the FOX gig, but Joe got the gig. Good for him.


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