Report for Friday, Apr 1st

It’s movie review Friday and the only movie opening today is, Morbius, and it stars Jarred Leto and Michael Keaton and is one of the worst movies you will ever see! This Marval-less film deals with blood disorders and vampires (0 Stars).

Love Nugget: Britney Spears say’s if she can’t get pregnant by the end of the year, she plans to adopt. Comment, with her history that may be difficult if not impossible. 

Scoop, Will Smith’s people tried to contact Chris Rock’s people but did not respond. Two quick Jada Pinkett nuggets, video shows she broke out laughing when Will hit Chris. And it’s a good thing Chris Rock didn’t make a joke about Jada’s highschool and college days when she dealt cocaine with her boyfriend, Tupac Shakur. Hey just saying. Quick sidebar, one of Will Smith’s closest crew was asked if they thought Will’s Oscar would be taken away, he snapped back, “Hey they didn’t take away O.J.’s Heisman.”

Odds and Ends: Good news and Bad news on Caitlyn Jenner news. First the good news, Caitlyn Jenner has signed a two year deal as a contributor on the Fox News Network. The ad news, at Elton John’s Oscar aids party of all places, Jenner was striking up a conversation with Lady Gaga and Gaga obviously didn’t want to talk to Caitlyn. Word is Caitlyn makes Gaga uncomfortable. Weird, don’t know what to make of this story. 

Final Nugget: It was hilarious on Wednesday when Maxine Waters was meeting with some homeless people in Los Angeles asking for vouchers for housing. Waters screamed there aren’t anymore vouchers. When they pressed, Waters told them to just go home, which they screamed, “we don’t have homes!” So if you are online this weekend, check out my website and the selfie with me and Maxine and the hilarious story that goes along with it. It’ll make you laugh and check out my book.

TV News: Great basketball this weekend, Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty on HBO. … And the final four. On Saturday its Kansas versus Villinova and Duke versus North Carolina.


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