Report for Monday, Jan 3rd

Welcome to 2022! Hope you had a great holiday, a lot has happened since we last spoke. First, the passing of Betty White. By far, the nicest celebrity you would ever meet! Betty would have turned 100 January 17th and a documentary about Betty White, that was shot last year will air as scheduled. May she rest rest in peace. Odd Betty White note, her neighbor for 10 years in Brentwood and friend was O.J. Simpson. … Another passing, John Madden. A gentle giant, great guy and pride of the NFL. … And Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of sex crimes but this is a long way from over. Rule 35 of federal sentencing says if a guilty party can provide information resulting in new convictions their sentence can be reduced. So if she names names look out. … And in 2022, Britney will start suing a lot of people and a surprise, including her sister Jamie Lynn who Britney unfollowed on Instagram, calling her toxic.

TV Notes: Ryan Seacrest went from co-hosting American Idol to being the Producer. … The new Kardashian show on Hulu will be different from their old show, look for them taking the show on the road. Hard to believe KUWK was on 20 Seasons. … Debuting tonight, The Bachelor, tomorrow, Judge Steve Harvey both on ABC. … Also tomorrow, Final season of This is Us on NBC. Personally, I’m not a fan. … But I am a big fan of Amazing Race which returns Wednesday night. … Thursday must see, Women of The Movement. Comprised of 6 episodes over 3 nights, the story of Mamie Mobley, the mother of 14 year old Emmett who was brutally murdered while visiting relatives in Mississippi in 1955. Emmett’s crime was saying goodbye to a white female store clerk. His body was so mangled his mom insisted on an open casket, thousands viewed his body which led to a murder trial. It’s on ABC.

Best year ending N.Y. Post Headline was December 31st with a photo of the worst Mayor in New York City history, Bill de Bozio. Headlined screamed, “End of an Error.”


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