Report for Wednesday, Dec 22nd

With Christmas just a few days away a truly great Love Nugget. With true love from Billy Graham’s son, Franklin Graham’s samaritan They have worked all year compiling small gifts for kids in poor countries all over the world! This year Graham’s group will send 10 million shoe boxes of treats to kids, 10 million and on Christmas Eve, Graham will be serving 5,000 dinners to those in Tornado struck, Mayfield, Ky. Now that’s love! While I’ve never met Franklin Graham, when I was 17, my first assignment when working at KFWB in L.A. was to cover the 10 day Billy Graham Crusade at the L.A. Coliseum. There were 100,000 people every night and I got to meet Billy Graham. F.Y.I. also I covered his last crusade at the Rose Bowl just a few years ago. By the way, I still remember my lock-out at the end of my newscast back then! … Another huge Love Nugget, Kanye West has donated 4,000 toys to kids in poor Chicago neighborhoods and another 2,000 toys to the Marines Toys for Tots campaign. Reminds me, Kim and Pete Davidson will spend Christmas at Kris Jenner’s house. And Kris made a weird comment saying she thinks Kim and Pete would make cute kids. 

Early Movie Review: American Underdog, comes out Christmas and is my favorite movie of the year! How about that? It’s the story of a kid born in a small town in Iowa, played high school football, then was dropped by a small college team when the coach said you’re just not good enough, but never gave up his dream. While working as a grocery stock boy, get’s a break, a tryout with the NFL. And through faith and a never give up attitude, the kid, Kurt Warner makes it to the St. Louis Rams and wins the Super Bowl. Fabulous, Zack Levi is Kurt Warner, Dennis Quaid is coach Dick Vermeil (4 Stars).  

TV News: Show Runners are pitching a Pete Rose Documentary or Biopic and it appears that it will be made without Pete Rose’s approval. Stay Tuned.


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