Report for Monday, Oct 18th

Love Nuggets: Absolutely no surprise Leila George has filed for divorce from the over bearing, ego maniac, controlling Sean Penn. Those were the words used by Penn’s former wives, Robin Wright and Madonna when they divorced the Oscar winner. F.Y.I. Leila and Penn have only been married 17 months. … A different love. I gave blood yesterday, if you ever want to it’s a great thing to do. … No love here but it is the best quote of the month…Britney Spears says, “Lord have mercy on my family if I ever do a live interview.” Follow-up, Britney has a tentative live interview with Oprah on Thanksgiving.

Odds and Ends: Kourtney Kartrashian delayed a flight while throwing a fit because she couldn’t find her cell phone. After 25 minutes they found it between her first class seat on a L.A. – N.Y. flight. … But Lady Gaga has bought a $100 million private jet to, “Just get around.” … If you want to go to Coachella/ Stage Coach in Palm Springs in April, you don’t have to prove you’ve been vaccinated. Just show your negative test within 3 days of going. Tickets still cost $900. … The FBI, the Florida Bureau of Investigation and both Gabby’s and Landrie’s parents have asked Dog the Bounty Hunter to stand down. They call Dog a publicity hound! F.Y.I. Dog’s been arrested five times, convicted of murder and to this day can’t carry a gun.

Scoopage: Finally, finally Jussie Smollett will face a jury on felony charges of lying to police and officials and disorderly conduct, stemming from his police report claiming two white men screaming racial and homophobic words attacked him, threw acid on him and put a noose around his neck. Since then two of his friends have admitted Smollett paid them to do it. It almost caused a race riot in Chicago. Trial starts November 29th.

So first Paul McCartney called the Stones a blues cover band, then Mick Jagger took a shot at Paul on stage in L.A. But a National Poll over the weekend asked which was the best band, The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? Answer – Beatles 72% and Stones 28%! What say you?


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