Report for Tuesday, Oct 5th

Got not one but two appointments this morning. Poking, prodding, blood letting and on and on. Don’t get old, no take that back, old’s better than dead. I’m back live tomorrow!

Love Nugget: I personally don’t believe that Kim and Kanye are getting back together. While a lot of services are making a big deal about them having dinner together, I have a different take. I thing that’s all a bunch of sheep dip, a publicity stunt just to keep their names in the news. If they were serious about trying to work it out, wouldn’t they be more private rather than putting out a press release they were having dinner at the Nobu. To quote Biden, “Come on man.” 

California News: And it’s not good! The taxes, the traffic, the prices are just the tip of the iceberg of the Golden State’s problems. There are still fires burning out of control. The 163,000 IATSE union members are about to shut down all of Hollywood and that’s nothing compared to the 250,000 containers sitting in the Long Beach, Los Angeles and Terminal Island ports with nobody to unload them. There’s no sign when they’ll get unloaded and more ships are coming in everyday. Watch for prices on everything to go up within the 30 days. And now the oil spill effecting 50 miles of coastline, shutting down the tourist market, causing beach businesses to close and hundreds and maybe thousand of wildlife dying including dolphins. This is a disaster and could last months. You’ll be hearing more.    

Everyday this week I’m going to tell you what some celebrity’s did for before becoming famous, new stuff, not Brad as a Chicken or Whoopi working at a Mortuary. Today, Warren Beatty caught rats and mice at the Washington D.C. National Theater. Dennis Quade ran amusement park rides at AstroWorld in Houston. And Woody Harrelson brags he couldn’t keep a job, was once fired 17 times in one year for smoking pot.

Odds and Ends: A rumor over the weekend that Biden is considering, no vaccination, no fly.


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