Report for Thursday, Dec 24th

On this Christmas I have some Love Nuggets for you. Starting off, the most mean, dysfunctional, out of control, child abusive parents in Hollywood are Brad and Angelina. They have been fighting each other trying to keep the other from even seeing their kids. But a judge has decided to split the family. Brad can see Shiloh and the twins Knox and Vivienne tomorrow, but Brad can not see Paxton or Zahara. Maddox, who is 19, and an adult has been brain washed by Angelina to hate Brad. Shame on both Brad and Angelina.

On the other hand Tiger Woods and his ex-Elin Nordegren, along with her 1 year old son she had with boyfriend, former NFL player, Jordan Cameron, Tiger’s two children Sam and Charlie, plus Tiger’s fiance Erica Herman are all spending Christmas together. Way it should be. … Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta Jones and their son Cameron, Michael’s brother and my good friend Joel and his wife will all be together. And showing a lot of love during this Christmas season is Prince Jackson, Michael’s son who has quietly been spending the past few weeks giving away over $100,000 worth of toys to under privileged kids in LA. This is the sixth year Prince has done this! … And finally, love and egos, party of two. Justin Bieber and wife Hailey are going to release video of their marriage and blissful lives together. I believe there will be a charge.

Odds and Ends: Back home in Hawaii it would be huge but don’t know how well the rest of the country will be open to McDonalds new Spam burgers. Sounds good to me. … There are still tourists coming to Hollywood, I have to tell you, if you have never been down Hollywood Blvd, it’s a gritty place full of homeless and prostitutes. But now, trash is piling up and purse snatchers and assaults are common place. Welcome to Hollywood. … And opening tomorrow in theaters everywhere, News of the World with Tom Hanks. … And also streaming tomorrow on HBO Max, Wonder Woman 1984.


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