Report for Monday, Nov 9th

Saddest news of the weekend, the passing of Alex Trebek, one of the good guys.

Before I get into the toy department, a couple nuggets about the elephant in the room, or the lack of the Republican elephant and the Democrat donkey. Julia Louis Dreyfus called Kamala Harris Saturday morning and told the new V.P. that if she needed any advice on being the VEEP, Julie had a lot of experience. The Saturday N.Y. Post front page headline says it all, “Ready, Set, Joe!” And the Sunday N.Y. Post front page screamed, “It’s Joe Time!” The final ratings will be in later today, but you can make book, SNL had their biggest ratings in history after the Trump loss. 

Now to the toy department, if you love Hollywood history do not miss the biopic Mank, on Netflix November 20th. Mank was the nickname for Herman Mankiewicz one of Hollywood’s greatest writers who penned, Pride of the Yankees, Wizard Of Oz, and the great Citizen Kane. This is real inside Hollywood stuff during the glory days. It’s directed by Oscar nominated David Fincher and the screenplay was written by his father who knew Mank personally during the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s. Just great vintage Hollywood.

When a newspaper calls you a wife beater, a judge calls you a monster, Hollywood calls you politically incorrect, there’s a good chance you will be blackballed. Just asks Johnny Depp, he’s been fired from Fantastic Beasts and from a TV-mini series called Puffins, and other acting rolls are bound to follow! Look for Depp to do more Producing than acting. He is producing Happy Days from the TV show to movie and Attica, not about the prison but about three kids who find magic in their attic. 

Odds and Ends: I thought I heard everything when Gwyneth Paltrow was selling her vagina scented candles, and that sold out. Now she’s selling $200 lamps made out of bread! Bread hollowed out and Basted in resin. I don’t make this stuff up folks.


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