Report for Wednesday, Nov 4th

One surprising political nugget, an agent at William Morris Agency told me yesterday a lot of his clients didn’t even bother to vote! However, Blake Lively, Taylor Swift and my old buddy Weird Al Yankovic were the very first to vote.

Fall out from Johnny Depp losing his libel suit and being labeled a wife beater by the Sun newspaper and a monster by the judge. That combined with 12 of his last 14 movies losing money, Hollywood is already distancing themselves from Johnny, some say they are blackballing him. Depp was a ballpoint pen salesman in Florida and married to Lori Allison when they took a vacation to Hollywood and Depp bumped into Nicolas Cage. Nic took a liking to him, introduced him to his agent and the rest is history. Johnny spent 10 years with Vanessa Paredes and they had two children, Jack (22) and Lily (19). Before Amber Heard, Johnny was engaged to Sheryl Femme, Winona Ryder, Kate Moss and Jennifer Gray. Depp had a High School band called The Kids and every year since, he takes two weeks off to go back to his childhood home and jam with his old garage band mates. Depp has always been odd, he bought Bela Lugosi’s Beverley Hills home because Dracula was his favorite movie as a kid. My favorite Depp story was back in 1994 when he did $25,000 worth of damage to the Plaza Hotel, but when arrested Depp swore an Armadillo got in his room and did the damage. And now Hollywood talking about blackballing Johnny Depp.

Perhaps the most popular celebrity is Kaley Cuoco. Still counting her Big Bang Theory money, Kaley will star in The Flight Attendant, November 26th on HBO Max. She plays a stewardess who drinks too much and wakes up in Dubai during a layover with a bloody dead body. She just ignores it, joins her crew for the flight back to New York City, only to find the FBI waiting. It’s a comedy, drama, mystery.


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