Report for Monday, Nov 2nd

Welcome to November, we start with some love nuggets. Over the weekend, Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez looked at wedding rings. … And a new book says there is no brotherly love between Prince William and Harry and it escalated a lot over the past three years. Harry fell in love with Meghan the minute he saw her, William didn’t like her from the minute he saw her. Book also says while William made Kate Middleton jump through hoops for 8 years before deciding she was royalty worthy, Harry took 3 weeks to pop the question. William has reportedly said when he becomes King, he wont even invite his brother. But grandma queen is trying to mend the feud with weekly phone calls to both, sometimes conference calls. Good luck.

Sean Connery used all the runway, living to 90 when he passed over the weekend. Sean was one of my favorite actors and thought I’d share some nuggets about Sean you may not have been aware. When he was 16 he enlisted in Royal Navy and had two tattoos, Mom and Dad, and Scotland Forever. Sean was bald by the time he was 25. When he got out of the Navy, he delivered milk while being a competitive body builder and donated over half of his salaries to charity. His all time favorite 007 movie was From Russia With Love and he was a great golfer with a 7 handicap. Sean Connery rest in peace.

TV News; I get tons of e-mails asking for new shows people can binge during the virus, so here’s another. Not new but 4 seasons, 40 episodes, very creative and timely called, The Man in the High Castle on prime, stick with it, it’s really good (3 Stars). … Another oldie but goodie to binge, Endeavor, a British detective show with seven seasons. It’s on Netflix and speaking of Netflix, that’s where you’ll find The Trial of the Chicago 7. … And a documentary in the works, Nolan Ryan, one of baseball’s greatest pitchers. I knew Nolan and his wife Ruth when he pitched for the Angels. Great pitcher and guy.


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